sábado, 7 de mayo de 2016

Color Wheel

Lately I've realized that I have way to many colors. You'd think that is a good thing. I also thought so, but I can see that I struggle with making colors, and with getting everything grey. Ugg.
And sometimes is not better to have more of anything. So I decided to catalogue the colors, and see what I can do with them.
What I have learnt: it is not obvious which things are not working unless you try them. Now I now why I was having problems with oranges (almost none of them is bright and shinny, how I like my orange to be). And also, I don't need that many things. I can manage beautiful colors with just six colors (primary yellow- 275 from Amsterdam Acrylics, permanent yellow- 285, permanent red, 336 cadmium red, 306, prussia blue, 566, sienna  411 and white). Next painting will use those, and I will use some of my bright ones just for accent or background.
What do you think?

I'll keep you posted!

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